Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A New Year: 2019

Celebrations, parties, and fireworks
Lit up at the strike of midnight.
A new year is now dawning-
Awakening at the early light.

Cheers, champagne, and joy
Came bursting forth in the morn.
The past year went into history
And the new year is now steadfast.

Fascinating, majestic, and thrilling
Is the feeling of elation around us,
As the confetti drops down and
The horns ring in another year.

Carol Kappes 2018


Carol Kappes said...

Hi Readers:

I want this New Year, 2019 to be the best year for all of us! Amen. We all are striving to meet our personal and professional lives even better.

Working together as a country and working together to unite our world; should be in our minds... and to create a more joyful, peaceful and loving global world.

Thank you so much for reading my verses, they contain messages in every one.

Carol Kappes

Carol Kappes said...

Dear Readers:

What a year to start out for 2020! With all the coronavirus stories and information out there, stay safe. Wash your hands, don't touch your face, and wash hands again.

I don't exactly know how this Covid-19 came from: (China originated) but I never will blame nature or God for this...and whether it was a form of bio-weapon of man....than we all know this temporary life on earth is of sin and righteousness.

I destined how I seen life and I did write my first book.Thanks for viewing my website and for your support.

Carol Kappes