
Hi Readers:

Many of you have asked about me and I will tell you a little more!  I was born in the Midwest of the USA and lived on the family farm.  I played with many things in nature and observed with my five senses.  I lived as a normal child, but learned early in life and listened and learned to respect the people around me.

From my days in high school, I had an awareness of living my life through His Will and that what happens in my life is because it is in his design.  After all, he made it possible for me to be born!  A lot of predictions and intuitions were being developed through my mind as well.  I knew that someday the family farm will become a corporation of an owner with many employees; and this became true.  This is only one example. 

From the farmlands as I worked and helped make the family farm a success with both parents and four brothers, I am the middle child; I attended a vocational school in Rochester, Minnesota to begin my dental assistant career.

It was three years later that I met a man that became my husband and we had two children, a son and daughter.  We lived in various parts of the USA raising the children with some pets and both parents working.  One has graduated from high school (2012) and the other graduated in (2013), and as a Mother, I wish them continued good choices and strengths in their years ahead.

Unfortunately, it had not been in my destiny to stay in this marriage; I don’t always know all the answers to life and no one ever will.  We are given struggles and also exciting times in our life; and it is our responsibility to pick ourselves up and to continue as best as we can in this life on earth as we know it.

My writing career has always been a part of me.  I had taken a creative writing course in high school because it had been one of my talents.  The verses on this blog shows some that were written as my career had began.  My choices for a career had been either to work for an editor for the local newspaper (I didn’t get the job) or to attend Vo-tech school to work alongside the dentist in four-handed dentistry. And so my career and life began.

I had chosen to start Carol’s Corner because I wanted to reach the Generations X and Y,  and Z is coming forth, and all other generations.  It is the coming years that the workforce will shape a changing world and it will always continue in its orbit.  With the internet and the global society that we now live in, the World will be interesting as ever.  My dream and goal is to recognize the emotional aspects of  people in all nations that I am taking a stand to hear their VOICE in a dramatic changing World we now live in. I wish them a blessed life to live.

I want to thank you, Readers, for your support. I enjoy working for you and to leave a little sweetness into your life. We are all a part of His design!

An Author of Verse for YOU!
Carol Kappes
Carol's Corner