Thursday, November 26, 2015

Once Upon a Time

There was this young girl/young boy…

What choices did they make?
What was important to them?
What talents did they have?
What did they pursue?
What obstacles had they faced?
What emotions had they felt?
What did they discover?
What gifts had they received?
What was their purpose?
What power did they acquire?
What had they learned?
What circumstances came forth?
What outcome did they have?

We are essentially the story of our life!

Carol Kappes    2015
Inspired of life and living

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Thanksgiving Moments

Reflecting on this past year;
And my, did it go by so fast.

It was simply another year;
But we heard so many stories.

Misfortunes abound this year;
And we often learn from them.

Renewing ourselves in the year;
Brings more understanding.

Families gather this calendar year;
Showing love, smiles and laughter.

With enjoyment it was a fun year;
Desires of the heart came forth.

Blessings of an abundant year;
We give thanks to the Lord.

Carol Kappes   2015

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Like a Brother

Throughout my life
I always found a brother.

He helped me out in so
Many ways with advice.

It was something important
For me to fully understand.

He was always there
With a helping hand.

He took care of me just
As if I was a sister.

Kept me on guard in
The many things of life.

Thanks for being there
When I needed you the most.

As I adopted you like a
Brother; to have and to hold.

Carol Kappes   2015
Dedicated to JJM & AN
Inspired of advice given from
Men that helped me in my life-
(Doctors, financial planners, accountants,
Businessmen, lawyer, connections, etc.)