in a long, enduring conflict;
does not make any sense.
can a “leader” be so cruel
watch thousands killed to death?
have no shame or guilt? Or is
the way you view human life?
yourself in harm’s way and
the “feel” of torment and evil.
an end to this atrocity now-
the rest from this storm.
compassion into your soul
that others can live in dignity.
Kappes 2013
of Syria civil war
I cannot comprehend the enormous loss of people like this...It is evil and wrong in God's eyes.
In America, if we neglect so much as animals here, we are at fault. And when someone takes the life of others in random acts of violence; it is a catastrophe. Then we try to aim at making things RIGHT.
Don't people have a belief in God's love? This hate and evil is the sign of the devil trying to win over God? Think about it? How far are we going to let this go? It already has gone long enough.
I "feel" for the human souls of suffering in the hands of evil; instead of God taking their lives.
May they rest in PEACE.
Dear Readers:
We all need to pray for PEACE to this Middle Eastern World. It needs to begin in this 21st century; for the welfare of the people. It is a must for these cultures to understand that God (Allah) can bring it there.
You see, Jesus Christ came for this very reason. Some of us see Him as an infant and Son of God and some of us see Him as a prophet. Either way, he is talked about throughout these religions. And I understand also that He was Risen Up; by the Resurrection or Risen to the Heavenly Father another way.
Taking a stand to hear your VOICE I have interviewed many and trying to sort out what my ears and my intellect would tell me in my thoughts.
How PEACE will arrive to the Middle East; we all must pray. We all must step up for human beings and to stop suffering. We all must take away the sorrow and sadness and to start filling it up with joy and happiness.
We have many college educated Generation X and Y that are having young families and children; let's show them that PEACE can be obtained.
With all the best,
Your author of verse
Dear Readers;
The Arab world needs to take a stand on this conflict. Now I hear of use of chemical weapons. How many years do you want to continue this atrocity in the eastern world?
This is not a sign of humanity. I thought Religion was to love and care for others? Isn't this what it is all about? Then show that you care for others...
Thanks for viewing my blog...I wish before my life ends to bring PEACE to all this world; the way it was designed to be.
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