Friday, November 4, 2011

I Come to Realize:

That your life is planned out! I knew it since high school—I predicted something that would happen when I reached near a certain age and it did—In fact, I was so ill that my doctor couldn’t sleep for his concern in me. (I had been in intensive care unit for a number of days with heart racing, collapsed lung) As I was healing, he asked, “What keeps me going?”

I told him thru prayers and faith. I was so sick, even watching TV was far from my mind—I only concentrated on getting better—

As I went thru the doorstep of my home, tears rushed down my face—knowing that I just about didn’t have this chance. I realized I had more to do in life. (I had a home health care nurse take care of me for a week or two).

When I went to the surgeon’s office for the health check, my doctor went straight to the waiting area to see my two children (unexpected).  I knew then one reason why I had to live.

Ever since then, I view life at a different angle; for one reason it’s because I’m still here and another reason is that I felt HIS presence and peace during my struggles in this life.

There are signs of his presence to this day; some are able to feel and see it and some cannot see.  But HE does work in our lives; through our heart, mind, and soul if we only allow, notice or pay close attention to it—because He planned it out for us!

Carol Kappes   2011   
 (Inspired by 1998 Hospital
Intensive Care Unit –Major Surgery)                                                     
In Dedication to KS
And Many Who Believe in HIM-


OkUltraRunner said...

So very true Carol. As long as He is in control, things Lways work out. Thankmyounfr whring this.

Carol Kappes said...

Yes, YOU are right. HE was in control during this time. I was hooked up to machines to keep me breathing, I barely was conscious, at one point they say you can "hear" to the end--the doctors communicated to me by handing me a paper and pencil--I just briefly remember this! I just briefly seen the polmonary doctor checking vitals and told me I had a very fast and irregular heart beat with a collapsed lung-all signs of critical health.

Saad said...

Only those feels his existence whom he wants to feel,may you find more guidance in this life until you find the right path...
Best Regards.