Monday, October 10, 2011

Why all the Violence?

What happened to the loving?
What happened to the sharing?
What happened to the caring?
What happened to the helping?
What happened to the earning?
What happened to the working?
What happened to the confessing?
What happened to the teaching?
What happened to the listening?
What happened to the learning?
What happened to the mentoring?
What happened to the talking?
What happened to the praising?
What happened to the thinking?
What happened to the encouraging?
What happened to the praying?
What happened to the giving?
What happened to the creating?
What happened to the advising?
What happened to the studying?
What happened to the tutoring?
What happened to the parenting?
What happened to the volunteering

Keep your mind busy and stop hurting others-

Carol Kappes  2011
Inspired for keeping the mind busy
With crafts, school, college,
careers, and retirement 


Carol Kappes said...

Hi Readers: This verse may be hard to understand, but I wanted to let you know that if the mind is not "busy" it goes to a depressed state, boring, sadness, wrath, or things of this nature. When the mind is active; hence we are doing things as mentioned, the cells in the brain keeps moving about in activity.

Barb shatek said...

Happy Birthday Carol!!! Happy Autum!!!

Carol Kappes said...

Thank YOU! This is my favorite time of the year--Beauty in nature, families, and all around atmosphere that the fall brings to everyone-