Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lady Shakespeare

When my target readers of the new generations are aware of my website; they find it interesting. I do enjoy captivating audiences worldwide. After this networker read the site; this is what he had to say. This person was in the 30’s age range from India.

Social Networker in quotes          Carol Kappes unquotes


“Read all your blogs…all I can say, you are Lady Shakespeare.  Now onwards, you are my mentor, seeking your guidance for my future life.”

I’m authentic and visionary.

“Your imagination is sky high.”

You think so? I don’t say things till I know it is right.

“There is a famous quote in India for writers “where sun cannot reach, a writer can.”

I’m into the spiritual world here on earth, a little bit.

This is the second person to say that I make use of imagination.  I’ve always been a forward thinking person; even as a child.  And I remember thinking and wondering about the world, always wanting to know a lot about it. May love always guide your way.

Carol Kappes  2015
Dedicated to HP
Inspired by works of an
Author/writer in history.
William Shakespeare was an
Emotional/expressive writer;
Just as I am.

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