Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Inside of You

Take a notice of this; the inside of you.
When the body is sick or illness sets in
Where does it often begin?  Inside of you.

You don’t notice it on the outside of
Your body, now do you?  So the actual
Beginning of illness often starts inside.

Take another notice of this; the spirit.
When the body is searching for meaning
Where does it begin?  Inside of you.

You can’t notice it on the outside of
Your body, now can you?  So the actual
Beginning of spirituality often starts inside.

Take note; that most things happen inside.

Carol Kappes   2014
Inspired of reaching
Understanding of life
With the heart and mind

1 comment:

Carol Kappes said...

Hi Readers:
Sometimes you have to look inside of your own selves and see what type of person you are! What makes you sick with anxiety, worry, tenseness, doubt, etc?
What is your character, attitude, personality, etc that you are showing to others?
Many of these qualities are things you must learn and improve on to have a better life and be within peace and love of yourself and others.

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