Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Woman is Like an Egg!

She carries the shape of curves
She comes in many colors and sizes
She is very fragile and delicate
She can easily be broken
She needs to be handled with care
She is softened or hardened by words
She needs protection and attention
She needs to be nested snuggly
She likes the warmth of a touch
She also carries eggs to reproduce

Carol Kappes  2014
Dedicated to AB
Inspired by comments
To social networking


Imelda said...

This cracks me up , as I work in the hard boiled poultry industry and it is so true. For outside that dense shell exterior is a heart of gold, no yolk ! We are capable of frying and scrambling many a man's brain by keeping sunny side up. We poach and flip material to fit stuff in diverse ways to get the job done. Omelette us to our own devices and we can come up with colourful ways to entertain the kids especially when schools out and they are on hollandaise. Best of all we are albumen versatile, just like an egg.

Eggcellent Carol.I wish you eggceptional success with your blog in the blogosphere, I think it is eggxactly what's needed. :)

Carol Kappes said...

Imelda; HOW WONDERFUL! We need to be treated with delicacy at the fine taste that eggs are! Eggs are so versatile too! Have them any way you want to! GUYS; isn't this RIGHT??